Collaborative Recipe Books

Conveniently collect recipes online from coworkers, friends or family into a PDF or hardcover book. It's a great way to build community and celebrate a diversity of cultures and palettes!

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Build Community & Celebrate Diversity

Build Community

Connecting with others these days is hard. We're spending more time at home working remotely, living further apart, and having a harder time building relationships. Group cookbooks get folks interacting over shared (tasty) experiences and the stories behind them!

Celebrate Diversity

Whether it's a DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) initiative for work or you're just cherishing the breadth of personalities in your extended family, there's nothing better than food that brings us together.

How This Works

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Add More than Recipes

Choose from our selection of optional templates to allow content other than recipes


  • Prompt people with custom questions
  • Configure the max # of pages
  • Guide folks to write about certain topics

Features for Recipe Books

Access a variety of features to make your cookbook stand out

Auto Invites & Reminders

Our system can automatically send invites and reminders to everyone via email.


Add from a variety of colorful borders to make your book shine.

Word Clouds

We can automatically create a unique visual using words submitted from everyone.

Project Co-organizers

Give a few people special access to your project so they can help edit and review recipes submitted by others.

Planning a large order of company recipe books?

For bulk orders of 100+ corporate recipe books, please reach out to us to learn more about what we offer and bulk pricing options.

Planning for other occasions?

We do more than recipe books! Please consider us for retirements, birthdays, or other occasions to celebrate and connect with colleagues or friends.